All aspects of water-soluble polymers, including polymer flooding, rheology and field measurement methods.
Chemical methods of conformance control.
Chemically enhanced oil recovery.
Design and operation of lab equipment suitable for high temperature, sour gas wells.
Design and development of acid stimulation treatments for newly developed and mature reservoirs.
Chemical additives used in acid stimulation and fracturing treatments.
Development and application of chemical measurement techniques for lab and field use.
Theory and techniques to measure acid reaction rates of reservoir rocks and minerals using the rotating disk instrument.
Scaling predictions using SOLMINEQ.
More than 30 publications including 5 chapters in technical books.
Specific Projects
Screened Alberta oil reservoirs for surfactant and polymer enhanced alkaline flooding, including David Lloydminster, Wainwright Sparky, Illerbrun, Chauvin, Sibbald and Taber fields.
Waterflood and chemical improved oil recovery evaluation for the Pembina Bear Lake unit, Alberta, Canada.
Key member of the team that developed and implemented the first successful acid treatment program in the Shaybah field.
Evaluated acid stimulation treatments and developed treatment guidelines in the Ghawar field (Shedgum, Hawiyah, Haradh, Uthmaniyah). Work led to reduced well damage during acidizing treatments.
Evaluated and improved acidizing treatments of seawater injection wells in the Ghawar field.
Developed lab techniques for evaluation of proppants for gas well fracture treatment, primarily in the Khuff and Jauf gas reservoirs.
Planned, purchased and set up high pressure, high temperature equipment for evaluation of formation damage in Khuff gas wells. Trained technicians on equipment.
Purchased and successfully set up rotating disk equipment for measurement of acid reaction rates in Khuff gas reservoir. Trained technicians on equipment.
Evaluated chemical sand consolidation treatment in Haradh field.
Evaluated water shutoff techniques for use in Ghawar field.
Extensive involvement with equipping new lab facilities at the Saudi Aramco R&D Center.